Hey there! I wanted to let you know personally that, I decided to sign up for a human sexuality course. I figured it would be a cool way to add a little spice to my college experience. However little did I know, it would turn into a journey of self-discovery.


I have always been curious about the ins and outs of human relationships and intimacy. So, taking this class has stimulated my mind. This class has made me realize things about myself that I never even thought about. The song by Tweet called, “Oops,” has an entirely different spin to it now. Here are five things I learned about myself along the way:

1. I’m Not as Spicy as I Thought When It Comes to Kinks 

Before deep diving into the world of human sexuality, I always assumed I was more experimental in the bedroom than I am. Since learning about different kinks and fetishes it has made me realize that while I appreciate certain things, I’m not as inclined toward many of the “spicier” dynamics that others may find thrilling. I will not mention any of what I call no-go kinks here, though.

And that’s okay! It was refreshing to understand that everyone’s preferences are different. There is no room for judgement of what other folks enjoy, and there’s no right or wrong way to approach your own boundaries.

2. I’m a Bit of Both: Dominant and Submissive 

One of the most surprising revelations from this course was realizing that I have both dominant and submissive tendencies in the bedroom. I always considered myself more on the submissive side. However, learning about power dynamics taught me that I enjoy taking control in certain situations. 

The balance between being dominant and submissive is more fluid for me than I once thought, and it's exciting to embrace that duality.

3. I’m Not a Vanilla Girl 

As the course unfolded, I confirmed what I had already suspected—I’m not a vanilla girl. While I may not be into extreme kinks, I’ve realized that I enjoy exploring intimacy beyond traditional boundaries. A world of fun, with a flare of naughty, and sensuality exists outside of the conventional, and it’s been liberating to accept that side of myself fully.

4. There Are So Many Ways to Explore My Sexuality

This course introduced me to many more ways to explore my sexuality that I hadn’t considered before. I learned communication techniques to practice with my sexual partner. I learned to understand the importance of mental and emotional connection in sexual experiences. Plus, I learned that exploring sexuality is not just about physical acts. It’s about understanding desires. Exploring sexuality is also about being open to new experiences, and finding what feels authentic and fulfilling.

5. Confidence is Key to Embracing My Sexuality 

Lastly, this class taught me that the biggest barrier to fully embracing my sexuality has often been self-confidence. It’s not about fitting into any mold or meeting society’s expectations. It’s about being confident in being a woman and what I desire. Whether it’s being dominant, submissive, or a little of both, the most important thing is feeling empowered by my choices. Confidence, I have embraced, is the foundation of true sexual expression.

Taking this course has been more than just an academic endeavor. I can add thar it has been a journey toward self-acceptance and empowerment. By embracing who I am, both in and out of the bedroom freely I have learned that my sexuality is a part of me that deserves confidence, care, and exploration.

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