Hello, October We Are Happy To See You

in , by Linda B Hurd, October 01, 2022

Hey, there! We made it to October 2022! Whew! 10 months into this year and only two more left to go. I am excited to see what this month will bring. What will ignite this month? Will it be boo-tacular?👻

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Okay, that might be a little corny to say, but I am going to keep it right there as a question. 😂 This year has been a whirlwind for many of us. Jesus has given us the breath of life this month and a fresh start to take on anything we set our minds to and apply action to.

This is a special month for me. There is something about the month of October that brings me closer to Christ and closer to any goal I set for myself for the year. Even if you may feel as if you are not where you desire to be at this time in your life here’s a friendly reminder that you are expanding your territory for greatness.

Shake off any thought, feeling, situation, or person that’s trying to apply you with any stagnancy with your thinking. Mariah Carey has a song about shaking it off, too! Might I add?

The way you view yourself matters and will always! October for me isn’t just about the cozy vibes, oversized sweaters, and comforting cups of hot cocoa but it is about creating priceless memories. Take photos, journal, and try new recipes, and or restaurants. Get creative with your freedom. If it is possible, strive to go out for a brisk walk during the week. You would probably be surprised how that stroll will help you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally lighter. 

5 September 2022 highlights

The divorce was settled in court.

My 1-year-old daughter weaned from breastfeeding.

I remained active for the entire month via daily walks tracked on my Apple Watch.

Started back baking desserts again.

More journaling and less procrastinating.

What are 5 of your highlights of September? Write them down and place it somewhere you will remember and can reflect on.

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