It’s time. It is time that you allow yourself to stop walking on eggshells to accomplish your dreams. It is time that you stop looking for your close family members or friends to encourage you. If you feel stuck in life right now, I know how hopeless it can feel. The better that you crave to have seems only to be a daydream. The better that you crave only seems to be depicted in others' lives on social media, in the media, or on television. 

Photo by Jessica Felicio on Unsplash

I want you to know that accomplishing your dreams will take self-discipline, courage, and self-confidence. You are worthy of whatever you believe you are capable of working towards earning. It’s going to take more than speaking affirmations out loud to believe your worth.

It will take more than just creating a mood or vision board to visualize your worth. It will take more than manifestation and or prayer to grant you your newfound lifestyle. It will take work, faith, time, and patience. If you are second-guessing putting in either the work, faith, time, and patience, don’t complain or throw a pity party because you feel counted out. Life doesn't reward us for poor efforts.

I had to have a mindful conversation with myself while journaling about overcoming the mindset that I have been having about myself and my own capabilities. I had to write out my fears and my negative thoughts holding me back from what I truly want out of my life. I have let my emotions get the very best of me for years. 

I’m stepping into my confidence with grace in many areas of my life. How about you? Have you been getting closer to your dreams? Remember to give yourself compassion on your way higher.

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