Girl, Lizzo has been showing her ass as of lately literally. Many people are here for her free spirit cheek showing antics. Let me tell you how that I have learned more than just a few things from her that I want to share with y’all. Let’s get into it, shall we?

Your Past Can Leave Wounds that still need healing.

Lizzo has revealed that she misses the way her life once was. She slept in her car, went without eating, and sacrificed so much to get to her level of success with being unapologetic. On her recent, Instagram live she cried while explaining her current emotions and feelings about the backlash she has faced on social media. There was something deeper to her tears, smiles, and encouraging words that were never explained but was deeply felt.

Your Happiness Could Be Judged Far Worse Than Your Pain

Many people have strong opinions on how Lizzo should and could be acting like a 31-year-old popular award-winning star. Her recent stunts have her being dragged by not just plus-sized women of all races, but also by her fans and critics. I do not think that her happiness is tarnishing her reputation. To me, it’s people’s expectations of her is what is trigging a lot of backlash.

Baring It All Comes at An Expensive Cost

JCole said, “Don’t give them too much you. Don’t let them take control"
It’s one thing you do (Don’t let them taint your soul.)

Lizzo is baring everything at the cost of what? I am not sure. I do not know if it is undergoing a of humiliation ritual. I’m just not here for it. She claims that she has people around her that love her. I believe that. However, I wonder if she wonders if her version of success was worth everything and anyone she sacrificed to get to the top?

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