Inner peace is expensive and should not be undervalued. Whenever you worry or stress about things that are out of your control you end up placing a strain on your inner peace. I understand how hard it can be to not worry.

I have my days too. What keeps me uplifted whenever I feel any bit of stress trying to sneak up on me is with prayer. Prayer is my weapon of choice against anyone or anything. In this blog post, I am going to share with you 6 things that you should stop doing if you want to be at peace.

1. Not trusting in God.

You can not bear your burdens and even the burdens of others with ease daily. The load gets mentally heavy and can physically weigh you down with stress that you do not need. For 1 Peter 5:7 reads, “Casting all your cares upon him; for he careth for you.”
Give all your worries, frustrations, pain, sadness, and doubts unto the Lord and leave them there. Do this without any hesitation. Go to him in prayer and humble submission unto him.

2. Stop comparing your life to others.

This can be tough for some folks to do; however, it is key to staying in your own lane. What’s for you will always be for you and no one can or will ever change that.

3. Trying to Please Everyone.

Pleasing everyone no matter if it is monthly, weekly or daily should not be your goal. You will never be at peace with trying to please and assist everyone’s needs.

4. Putting yourself down or downplaying your accomplishments.

I touched on this topic in a previous blog post. You can click here to read that blog post if you are interested in more of this topic. How you think and speak about yourself matters. If you put your own self down, then why should others take you seriously?

You must be able to take yourself seriously before anyone else. You also have to be able to take every obstacle that you defeated as a victory. Wear your accomplishments with pride no matter how small or large they may seem.

5. Being afraid of change.

Change can be exciting, scary, uncomfortable, and even refreshing. Whenever you are too comfortable you have no room to embrace change willing. The change should not feel forced. If you stay ready for change then you know how to embrace it when it happens.

6. Worrying about people who aren’t checking for you.

When you learn how to let folks go when they handed you their walking papers you can easily cut ties. It’s better to stop calling, texting and even lurking on people’s social media accounts who are not placing the same effort into you.

I hope that you found this blog post helpful! 

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