on social media can help many people out mentally more than they
think. Here’s the thing. We are what we consume. No matter if what we consume, whether
it is physically, mentally, or even emotionally, we are consuming something.
now tie in social media and all the information that we consume—hilarious,
devastating, exciting, scandalous, personal, and enticing—that we do in scrolling our feeds or even from lurking on social media. It can become
overwhelming to even get a peaceful night's sleep from keeping up with many
people and their lives on your feeds. Here are the ways social media is probably
causing you anxiety.
your single life or current love life
can see, piece together IG or Facebook stories and photos of who’s messing with
who’s, who’s engaged, or married. We can even see who has a baby or children.
When you compare your current single or love life to someone else, it can place
you under all sorts of anxiety. Comparing your relationship status to the next
person does not prove anything to anyone, neither yourself. You are still worthy
of a deep, patient, and undeniable love.
your career life.
can be easy for some people to compare their career process to some else.
Seeing who made it through what college/university program can make someone feel
like they have not achieved enough. Or someone can feel as if they aren’t
making enough money in their current career because they admire someone on social
media who works in the same career and lives a more lavish lifestyle than theirs.
No matter what it can or could be when comparing “your” career life to someone
else on social media, just know that the grass is not always greener on their
so many fundraisers.
a humanitarian can be hard out here, especially on those social media streets. Countless causes need your money. Social media is a place to get
people involved in making charitable donations to many relief funds. Just do
not go broke trying to give your last every time you see an opportunity to
shade throwers.
the shade throwers can throw slangs all day on Twitter and expect you to catch
it. They can tell you how they really feel about you without any hesitation
from memes too. Be mindful that many shade throwers will cast out shade
but will not own up to it. Don’t let it bother you. They want to get you
bothered, so be stronger than that.
ads are very suspect these days! Let’s say you just made an online purchase at
Sephora, Walmart, or JC Penny’s. Then you hit up Facebook, and you start seeing
all sorts of ads from a company you just had made a purchase from. It happens far
too often.
follow your IG stories, but not your page physically
use to always bother me. I now embrace it on my Instagram stories and sometimes
even tell them, “Hi.” Seeing brands or even strangers watching your IG stories
that do not follow, you can spark anxiety. They’re people who do not want to
follow your profile but keep up with you via your IG stories daily. The funny
part about it is that they know you see them. So, I suggest going check out
their profiles and IG stories back.
events that are card warranting
you going to spend some cash? This is a question that you may ask yourself
after seeing a close friend, family member, or even co-worker get engaged, have
a baby, or even celebrate an anniversary. You may feel indifferent about buying
something for them as a gift.
feeling as if you get out enough (Travel babes)
not feel guilty if you are a homebody. It’s okay. Seeing so many travel babes
on social media can leave you feeling as if you aren’t experiencing or going to
enough places. Stack your money. Continue to do your research and book your
travel experience whenever you are truly ready.
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