The yearning want or even need to spice up your marriage in a more intimate way does not have to be daunting or discouraging to try. Pick your head up and know that you do not have to make it complicated nor do you have to over think your approach. Be confident enough to understand that it takes not just you to make a change, but your spouse too. Without any further delay here go 12 ways to spice up your marriage. Take each tip day by day don't rush into them.

  • Put away the phones, tablets, and gaming systems for a night and enjoy one another company.

  • Take a steaming shower together.
    Send him a few sexy and intriguing text messages during the day. 
    Purchase a sex position book or Google new positions to try. 
    Flirt with him more and give him a sexy nickname. 
    Give him a full body massage while you're naked too.
    Blow his mind, by doing something unexpected like getting a baby sitter, so you can both enjoy a night alone. 
    Bring chocolate, Altoids, and ice cubes into the bedroom.
    Experiment with one or two sex toys in the bedroom.
    Try an edible lube for oral lube or a warming one. 

Enjoy these tips with your spouse!
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