If this is your
very first time ever reading my blog site, I want to personally welcome you. I
started this blog site shefoundstrength.com to encourage, motivate, and to
inspire other girls and women of all ages to find their inner strength.
Discovering your inner strength isn’t just a task to easily accomplish. I have
found that many times in my life, I have struggled to maintain my inner
strength. In life, there will be times you will feel defeated. You will feel as
if you have no one to turn to. There will be times you will feel like you are
just being bullied by your own life. To be honest we all deserve to go through
the bad, because it makes us appreciate the good. As of matter of fact going
through the bad makes us become more appreciative of life, growth, and our
emotions. Whether you are a man or woman you know that finding your inner
strength isn’t just a physical meaning. Lifting weights and testing your
physical strength can be anyone’s definition of strength. However, I have
discovered that my inner strength doesn’t just come from the physical, but from
the mental and spiritual too.
I have been trying
to focus more on my walk with Christ. I have started a new prayer journal to
have my daily talks with Christ. I was once feeling out of place with my walk
with Christ. I was feeling like I wasn’t as appreciative for my blessings that
kept happening repeatedly. I was taking for granted the people God already had
placed in my life. I felt like I was alone and didn’t have any friends to turn
to. I want you to know that I needed a mentally shampoo to help me better situate
my thoughts. I found that since the beginning of last month, that I had to get
my prayer life in order. I had to start mapping out my goals. I had to better position myself while going through a storm. Think about it like this, whenever
you are going through so much in life, will you huddle up into a tight ball and
find a corner to hide in? Or will you stand up with your self-esteem and fight
with your inner strength to make it through? The choice is completely up to the
person that’s going through their storm. I choose not to allow my storms in my
life to victimize me and you should too. Before we bring all the next holidays on-board
with gifts, remember that having peace of mind is priceless and never forget
that it is a precious gift as well.
Okay, spiritually
I have been seeking clarity from Christ. I haven’t been going to church the way
I should be. There is also no excuse for my reasons why, so therefore I won’t
waste your reading experience. All I will say that if I can Uber to work, then
I sure can Uber to church. Just last week, my little sister found her way to my
side of New Orleans. She found her way here by prayer. I haven’t seen or
touched my sister in the physical since 2014 and it is now 2016. One of the
main reasons for me not seeing her was transportation issues and another reason
is because of home life. Going back to my home town of Napoloeonville breaks me
down into tears every time. I get choked up whenever I see where I came from. I
cry so much that my eyes swell and I get so much anxiety that it’s unreal.
Whenever I go back to the place I once called home it makes me feel like I am
not grinding enough. It makes me feel like I need to go harder in life. I feel
like I must get my people from a shack to a mansion. I’m also not lying nor am
I ashamed. It will take more of me allowing God to work through my spirit and
less self-disappointment to build my character up. Right now, I am staying
strong and finding my way better.
If you did not
know I am a YouTuber. I am very outspoken and can take a hell of a lot of criticism
from folks. I posted a YouTube video about Albolene about a year ago and I received
a lot of negative feedback that had me second guessing my damn self. On top of
that negative feedback I had a lot of supporters and positive feedback from
people all over the world. I wanted to share my weight loss journey with the
world before anything. I wanted to help someone feel confident to show that you
can lose water weight with working out and following a few steps. Since, that
video I have maintained my weight for the most part. I am going to re-boot my
weight lost journey on YouTube and take all that criticism and love and morph
it into something beautiful. If you would love to be a special part of my new
weight loss journey then click this link to subscribe to my channel.
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