It is not selfish to learn how to intentionally put myself first. Part of this journey has been exploring the benefits of self-pleasure. Yeah, the spicy, sensual, and reliving parts of self-pleasure. However, I have not explored the benefits just as a means of physical satisfaction but as a tool for self-discovery, emotional balance, and empowerment. Once I divorced I took some time to date prematurely. Yes, prematurely.


Here I go! It's a new year. I am happy to be still alive and well. I am happy to know that you stopped by to read my thoughts as well. I have been thinking about my life. So much has transpired in these few days into the new year that I do not want to touch on the depths of the topic.


As the year winds down and the reflection of Christmas lights bounces from the ornaments on my tree, I can’t help but reflect on how this year unfolded. It began with me feeling conflicted and depressed. I will explain a little more. I had anxiety about going into year 31.

Santa is not a holiday hero for children growing up in poverty. I don’t think this is just because someone spoiled the excitement or because I caught him unloading gifts on my front porch—but because I knew, even at seven years old, that he didn’t exist. There was no chimney for him to slide down at my house. There was no ho, ho laughter filling the night, and no tree for him to place gifts under. We didn’t have one.
