I understood since I was old enough to attend pre-school that I had come from a poor family. I was uniquely different in ways that made me an easy target to be bullied and teased. As time passed, the bulling only had gotten worse. It was difficult for me to make friends in my small town.

Where I am from people judge you by where you stay, who you kin too, and for how your people live. Since, I lived in a shack that I called my home, a lot of girls did choose to distance themselves away from someone like me. The message was always clear. My mother did not have an education, to talk about. She could not read or write. All my mama knew was hustling.

She worked in the blazing hot sugar cane fields and cleaned people's houses for little money weekly. Seeing how much she struggled made me cry myself to bed many nights. Going to bed hungry some nights kept my dreams fed, and my motivation to be the best that I know God instilled in me to be on an untouchable level. 

I know what it is like to walk almost three miles to school in a raging thunderstorm with an umbrella that’s giving out on you. I know what it is like to go to school with the same shoes for years straight. I know what it is like to fetch buckets, pots, and pans because it is raining in your house. I know what it is like to have no family to motivate you to chase your dreams. 

To not have running water in your home. I know what it is like to leave a place you once called home and make it your mission in life to never go back. Oh, and I know what it is like to live check to check and only see money once a month thanks to Social Security. I survived. I did not just live. I honestly feel like Jesus has molded me into this woman that understands and can truly relate to the struggle. 

I am thankful that I do not look like what I been through. I’m only 24 and still have a whole lot more living, inspiring, and growing to do. In about five more months, I will have a baby. A baby that I will be able to teach, pray with and for, motivated, and love. I’m blessed to be sharing my blessing with my husband who has been on my side for now over seven years. The man who God brought into my life that did not judge me for growing up poor and broke. The man who connected with me on a spiritual level and helped take me from my situation after high school.

Everything is not all peachy. I would not sugar coat my words to make my story better. To be honest, I’m still struggling. I am still walking and without my own car. I truly do not mind walking at all. Walking is an option that I now have and not the only choice. I’m happy that God is still blessing me despite what the enemy says or does. I am getting better and God has a lot to do with that. I will share more of my story in future posts. 

P.S. Being broke does not define your walk with Christ either. 

Discover your inner strength every step of the way at shesfoundstrength.com
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